Standard Jira Field Variables, Custom Field Variables and Date/Time Variables

Here you can find the standard Jira Fields. We distinguish between Jira Field Variables, Custom Field Variables and Date/Time Variables.

Create a new template and add a variable by typing $ and the name of the variable you need. For example, to add the issue key, type $issue.key or to access fields from the epic linked to your issue type epic into the variable like $issue.epic.keyYou can also use variables in page titles or in different page configurations.

The following Jira variables can be added to a template, in page titles or page configurations and will be replaced with the corresponding values when a page is created with Issue to Page.

Project and Issue Field Variables

JIRA Projectproject.keyProject key of the given JIRA project

Issue keyissue.keyIssue key of the given issueRCOS-15

JIRA macroissue.key.macroLinks back to the JIRA issue

Issue typeissue.type, issue.type.macroIssue type as text, or with icon

Priorityissue.priority, issue.priority.macroPriority as text, or with icon

Statusissue.status, issue.status.macroStatus as text, or with icon

Resolutionissue.resolutionSpecifies the reason an issue is closed

Summaryissue.summaryHeadline of the issue----------------------
Descriptionissue.descriptionDescription of the issue----------------------
Reporterissue.reporterMaps the reporter or creator

Assigneeissue.assigneeMaps the responsible processor

Createdissue.createdDate on which the issue was created


Updatedissue.updatedDate on which the issue was updated

Dueissue.duedateDate on which the issue should be finished

Resolvedissue.resolvedDate and time when the issue got resolved

Labelsissue.labelsComma separated list of labels, without links

if you want to add epic variables to your page to access fields from the epic linked to your issue just type epic into the variable after issue like $issue.epic.labels.

Epic variables

Any issue field, custom field, DEISER Profield and Mindville´s Insight field may be addressed using the new syntax:

  • $issue.epic.assignee
  • $issue.epic.duedate
  • $issue.epic.labels
  • ...

New variable: Epic name

Add the name of your epic to your page, title or as a label:

  • $

Deprecated: Project key variable

The syntax of the project key variable $project.key has been adjusted with version 2.1. 

  • $issue.project.key - the key of the issues project, replaces $project.key
  • $issue.epic.project.key - refers to the key of the project that the linked epic belongs to

The old syntax will be removed from future versions of Issue to Page

Custom Fields

In addition to the system fields, administrators can also create their own fields (so-called custom fields). Different data types can be entered in these fields. In the table you will find the list of standard types that can be created in Jira.

To do so, create a variable from the customfield ID, for example, $issue.customfield_10000Here is a guide by Atlassian how to locate the ID of the field you need.

The following types of fields are supported:

Field typeDescription

Date Picker

Possibility to choose date

Date Time Picker

Possibility to choose date and time

Number Field

Possibility to enter only numbers (whole numbers or with decimal places)

Textfield (multi-Line)

Possibility to enter longer texts

Textarea (single Line)

Possibility to enter simple text (max 255. characters)

URL Field

Possibility to enter an URL


Possibility to add any Label

Select List (cascading)

Possibility to choose from two lists. The second list depends on the value in the first list
Select List (multiple choices)Possibility to select several options from a defined list
Select List (single choice)
Possibility to select an option from a defined list

Radio buttons

List of options, shown as radio buttons - only one can be selected


Several options can be ticked in boxes

Click here to see how custom fields can be adressed by its names.


If special characters that are not supported (such as the German umlauts Ää Öö Üü) are used in the labels, these will be replaced by an underscore

Only out-of-the-box Jira fields appear in this list. Some apps (e.g. nFeed) can bring their own field types.

Other Variables

current Date$now(<date pattern>)

adds the time stamp of document creation in the chosen pattern

Find possible patterns here.

If an invalid pattern is entered, nothing will be added to the page.

$now(yyyy-MM-dd) translates to 2020-22-04
