Work with the configured TaskONE Macro view

Just from owning a new App it does not automatically work to use it efficiently. Therefore here are some guidelines to use TaskONE efficiently. 

Guidelines for TaskONE users

TaskONE can be your best friend, when you use Confluence and Jira. Follow those steps to make it happen.  


Check your Confluence dashboard on a regular base.

Set up a project meeting to go over the due tasks or check it yourself every morning. 

Resolve Confluence tasks, which are really done.

Use such regularity as in the first step to check the actual status of your Confluence tasks.
3Create issues out of Confluence tasks, when they are not processed and plan those on your Jira board. 

Simply mark the description of the Confluence task and click on the Jira icon to create a issue.

Afterwards resolve the tasks, so that you don´t have duplicates in Confluence and Jira. 

We recommend that all Confluence tasks, that take longer than 5 Minutes, are better handled as Jira issue.
4Always assign Confluence tasks to a responsible user

When you want your tasks to be solved at some point always add an assignee. If no one feels responsible, it won't get solved.
5See overdue tasks and contact the assignee.

If a lot of tasks are overdue contact the assignee or create him/her an issue to check their Confluence tasks. 
6To get more information click on the Source link.

Sometimes the Confluence task only makes sense in the context of the Confluence page. Also, work may need to be done on this page.

Simply navigate through the link to the respective page/task or open a new tab.


Always set due dates for important tasks in Confluence.

Use Jira Automation to automatically set due dates for Jira issues based on epic or sprint.

Example → Create a Dashboard to see all open tasks related to a project (Project Board)

The due date for Confluence tasks and Jira issues in one sortable column is a mighty tool to structure your upcoming work by priority. Remember that TaskONE is only a visualization of the data you maintain.


Set appropriate labels on your Confluence pages to match the TaskONE Board's filter criteria.

Use Confluence templates to set up automatic rules for the creation of new Confluence pages.

Example → Create a Dashboard to see all open tasks related to specific labels or filter (Impediment Board)

Labels can help to structure your documentation. For example you can automatically set the label impediment for all pages created with the template Retrospective.

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