Add TaskONE to a Confluence Page

You can insert TaskONE to any Confluence page by two easy methods.

Step-by-Step Guide

To add TaskONE to any Confluence page follow these four little steps.

Step  ProcedureExample
1Go to any page and click und Edit. In order to add your desired macro to a Confluence page, click on the Insert more content button

2Select Other macros from the very bottom of the displayed context menu

3A dialog pops up where you have to search for the macro desired

4Now select the macro, enter all necessary data, and click on Insert in the bottom right corner.

You can use Wiki-Markup language. To do so type the Macro name in curly braces In our example it is {TaskONE for Confluence} and as you type the Macro should appear in a list.

Click on the entry and that's it.