FAQ & Troubleshooting


Some general questions may arise, when a decides to use TaskONE. Here are some frequently asked questions: 

In general we recommend to use Jira issues for task management, but sometimes the whole creation and processing of a Jira issue takes longer than the task itself.

For this type of work we recommend to use Confluence tasks to quickly add task such as "Invite all colleagues to a voting meeting", while you are working on a Confluence page.

From our experience we can say, that all Confluence tasks, that take longer than 5 Minutesare better handled as Jira issue. 

Further Information → Work with the configured TaskONE Macro view

Please check following topics, if your JIRA avatar icons appear like this one:  

  1. Try clearing your browsers cache using the matching shortcut for your browser and operating system. In the most cases this should help.
    • Google Chrome on Mac: Command + Shift + R
    • Google Chrome on Windows & Linux: CTRL + F5
    • Firefox on Mac: Command + Shift + R
    • Firefox on Windows & Linux: CTRL + F5
    • Safari: Command + Option + R
  2. If that didn't help, maybe the connection between Confluence and JIRA isn't working as expected. Ask your local admin to check the "Application Links".
  3. If that didn't help, contact our Support. 

Confluence Configuration

Some questions may arise, when a user tries to configure Confluence pages with TaskONE functionality. Here are some frequently asked questions: 

Use JQL in the TaskONE Marko configuration to only show issues in the current Sprint. 


Sprint in openSprints() AND Sprint not in futureSprints()

Further information → Define the Jira issues to be displayed

No. You can show all Confluence tasks assigned to the current user via the TaskONE macro configuration and all Jira issues assigned to the current user via a JQL

Further information → Define the Confluence tasks to be displayed

Further information → Define the Jira issues to be displayed

Just create a Jira issue out of a Confluence tasks and plan the issue in your Jira project. Simply mark the description of the Confluence task and click on the Jira icon.

We recommend that all Confluence tasks, that take longer than 5 Minutes, are better handled as Jira issue. 

Further Information → Work with the configured TaskONE Macro view

Use Confluence templates to set up automatic rules for the creation of new Confluence pages. For example you can automatically set the label "impediment" for all pages created with the template "Retrospective".

Further information → Create a Dashboard to see all open tasks related to specific labels or filter (Impediment Board)

Jira Configuration

Some questions may arise, when a user tries to configure Jira for TaskONE functionality in Confluence. Here are some frequently asked questions: 

Use Jira Automation to set up automatic rules for your Due date. For example you can sync the Due date of the Epic with the child issues for all your issues or just for your personal Jira project. You can also sync the Due date of an issue with the End date of a Sprint for all your issues or just for your personal Jira project. Otherwise you can set the due date to be 2 weeks after the creation of an Incident or Bug. 

Further information → Atlassian documentation: Jira automation - Data Center and Server

Further Information → Create a Dashboard to see all open tasks related to a project (Project Board)

Further information → Create a Dashboard to see all open tasks assigned to you or your team (One Task Board)

Further information → Create a Dashboard to see all open tasks related to specific labels or filter (Impediment Board)